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[自由] Confiscated Twins Auctioned [複製鏈接]

3 [9 [% [/ n* Q* {2 L
2 ?0 X5 t1 r  _1 `$ f0 c$ S

2 s- M/ y8 c) H5 u
The economic crisis is deepening and an ever increasing number of middle families are unable to pay

% W3 o2 g" n& w! G. ?: c# ?
! _% f: P* m4 h2 i
Fearing a financial crisis, the government has created the Federal Confiscation Agency (FCA), an underpaid corps of military officers whose job is to confiscate debtors’ assets.
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3 w5 g# Y, n4 q% s7 l& T
The aim of the FCA is to inject cash into the system by auctioning the seized assets to the few remaining cash holders, most of whom are rich and unscrupulous tax evaders.

# L/ x) |! V) E# _. U# P- l: m$ S3 ?" x( v/ K3 N- Y* Y9 j. j
Auction Townhouses are created all over the country as pressure on ruined families builds up.
7 ?. k* w+ Q. a6 v
( @% w' B. J# ]" k
Houses, cars, plasma TV’s, fridges, anything can be found and bought at bargain prices, including Indentured Servants…

$ H! a4 M  B4 A$ w# m- E2 N9 l2 m, V3 R% s& R& b: r8 @+ e
When the assets of a family are insufficient to cover its debts, the members of the family themselves are confiscated and assigned to their debtors to work for them until the debt is paid back.

2 R+ ^6 Z0 T/ L' h; U( ]+ h, s
, c) X. o: H, S- r* u- c
The law states that Indentured Servants lose all their constitutional rights and are legally the property of their assigned creditors, who can use them in any way they wish.
. _3 e5 s: D8 Z* a( C; Y
) H2 o! V6 J, |7 ^2 F
Not knowing what to do with such a surplus of unqualified work force, the banks auction off their Indentured Servants for immediate cash transferring their human assets to the highest bidder.

, y% C  j4 o' D- a9 m8 c7 S' f# V- N6 A& {5 f# R! M! w' W2 _* A  _! {
Needless to say, the most highly-valued Indentured Servants are good-looking young females.
- S( J& j& d" J
+ Y$ p0 f% ~: @: f; B9 E
The most common job assigned to them is personal, in-house prostitution. As the servants have no legal rights, there are no limits on the services the young prostitutes can be ordered to perform on their owners or on what their owners can do to them...
& K" O. ^+ k+ Z# {( F& U
! c5 R, k* ^5 r0 b; R. s# j* i% q  _# |
In-house prostitutes are sex-slaves in a world where sexual fantasy and sexual perversion have become legal reality...

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' b2 ^2 ~" f! }# U
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' d2 e3 ?7 Q8 [# i- F# i# R
" y  j$ J: D. q8 L: PDownload File : Confiscated Twins Auctioned
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